Sunday, March 10, 2013

La Dolce Vita

slick city streets slide through the glass
cateye sluggish squint slimming the haze of midnight
highway daubed with drifting design
my mouth is slippery in drink
declarations dubiously tethered between my ears
emancipate themselves, cascading through my parted lips
spilling into the dashboard
wretched hands folded inconsequential
unworthy of any ceremonious change
i will never be enough
for you
for anyone

liquid lull of resignation and windshield wipers
eschewing the plea
forehead against the window
i close my eyes
dissipating into la dolce vita


  1. " slick city streets slide through the glass
    cateye sluggish squint slimming the haze of midnight
    highway daubed with drifting design"

    Lulu, as always...

    You have your way with words and I really enjoy it. Thanks.

  2. my mouth is usually dry with drinking but the way that words slip out is worse than black ice

  3. Sometimes after reading your blog I like to take a few minute to process what I just read and then go back and re-read it. You have a gift my friend...

  4. ^^ same I also like the black ice similarity thats such a good way of describing ur writing
    you are enough and not just in the 'dolce vita' mind in the present

    keep strong

  5. Can I just wrap you in a massive hug for a bit?



  6. As always your writing is profound... Like Optimistic Existentialist (Keith), I could not agree more, I always read your post twice, it is always so deep...

    These lines resonate with me:

    i will never be enough
    for you
    for anyone


  7. this is my favorite, so far, of all your poems. my mouth is always slippery in drink. i may have to borrow that line, at some point.

  8. also, love that photo. love the blurry lines, like the blurry nights. did you take it?

    1. Thank you. It's an old school 35mm film image, walking backwards along the street in Greece. I was on my honeymoon.. don't even remember what struck me to turn around.

  9. Lu- ok, lady, I stole your line, and your inspiration. This is me, way too often. And bruise has so many connotations. I hadn't realized how much I used it. It's a fabulous word. Wears many hats.

  10. You really know how to combine words into something deeper. really beautiful, will follow and hunger for more.

